1. Müheloses Einwählen (keine Zugangscodes)
2. Text Reminders When Your First Participant Joins
3. Markenfreies Intro. Wir bringen die Teilnehmer direkt in die Konferenz.
60 Tage kostenlos testen. Sie werden begeistert sein.
Ansonsten bleibt Ihr FreeConferenceCall.com Konto unverändert. Sie erhalten weiterhin unbegrenzte Audio- und Videokonferenzen, kostenloses Screen-Sharing und Meeting-Aufnahmen. Einfach One Number hinzufügen für ein optimiertes und müheloses Einwahlerlebnis mit Textbenachrichtigung.
Ever had to host a call in 2 minutes… only to find yourself scrambling for the dial-in and access code? How about forgetting your previously scheduled call only to receive that dreaded “Where are you?” message? Never again.
With One Number, hosts can enable text notifications and receive a message as soon as the first participant connects to the call.
Participants call your new dedicated number to be instantly connected to the conference without entering an access code.
Not dialed-in? Receive a text message to your verified mobile number as soon as the first participant joins the conference.
Simply tap on the link within the text message and be automatically connected into the meeting. That’s it.
*Standard messaging and data rates may apply.
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Kontaktieren Sie unseren kostenlosen 24/7-Kundendienst: support@freeconferencecall.com.