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- Access code: 690145
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Host Info
Tower of Prayer Line #ATL
Our Vision
• To exalt the Name, Person, Character and Word of our Lord Jesus Christ.
• To bring souls into God’s Kingdom through concerted evangelism.
• To impart the whole counsel of God by consistent teaching of all of God’s word, emphasizing the application of the word to our daily lives.
• To promote a high level of personal holiness, integrity and personal character.
• To be a church where the five fold ministry and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit manifest and are used in the building up of the body of Christ.
• To equip the saints and bring them to maturity in faith and a recognition of their own calling and ministry in the Lord.
• To send disciples out into the world to fulfil God’s calling and ministry.
• To provide for the necessity of saints such as accommodation for the homeless, feeding the hungry, creating jobs and establishing businesses so as to break the yoke of poverty, since it is the will of God for us to succeed and prosper in life.
Our Belief - - We believe the Bible is divinely inspired by God, and is God's revelation of Himself to man. We believe that in it are the principles by which we are to live, and the measure for our faith and doctrine.We believe in teaching the undiluted word of God.