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3 Things to Consider When Scaling Your Communications Platform for Enterprise

Future Proof Your Enterprise with an Expandable Telecom Service

Building your business from the ground up is not without its speed bumps. As your business scales, you may run into the problem of having a communications infrastructure that will support its growth.

If you haven’t started futureproofing your company’s communications, you’re in luck! We’ve got a short checklist of things you want to make sure you keep in mind when deciding on how to scale your company’s telecommunication solution.

Here are three aspects of your communications infrastructure you want to pay attention to when scaling your business.

1. Software

Your first step to scaling your communications is selecting a telecom service that can support your growing number of employees.

Since many services offer all the basic features you’ll need to get started, one thing you want to make sure to pay attention to is price. While a single license may cost a small amount now, when you consider that cost on a growing scale, your conferencing bill will surely inflate.

Instead, you want a conferencing platform that can grow with your business, offering as many licenses for a flat cost.

You’ll also want to ensure your software is intuitive. Training employees on using particular software can be troublesome for larger enterprises. A CEO’s life becomes much easier when the software the employees use is easy to understand and labeled in a manner that’s easy to navigate.

Last, make sure your software also comes with an app. Having a platform that works both on a computer and on mobile makes it much easier for your employees to stay connected with one another no matter if they’re on the go or working at any of your business’s locations.

2. Equipment

What good is your software if your hardware can’t support it? Your next step to scaling your business’s communications is securing the equipment needed to transmit and receive audio and video data.

As you first start your business, computers with a built-in webcam and microphone should do just fine. Your employees will have access to online conferencing options, allowing members of your organization to maintain communication easily.

As you plan for a room dedicated to conferencing, you’ll want to set up a conference room camera, a webcam that’s designed specifically for recording meetings. Next, you’ll need to set up a Polycom phone to allow employees to dial into a conference. At the same time, you’ll also want to set up a projector or monitor where you can view the video feeds received through your communications system.

3. IT Support Access

A very important but often forgotten aspect of scaling your communications platform is making sure your IT team has access to all employees no matter which office. IT departments provide troubleshooting support to ensure all your employees have access to phone lines and internet, as well as ensure all technology operates as intended.

You can provide your IT team with company-wide access using tools like screen sharing and computer remote access.

Screen sharing tools allow IT teams to walk your employees through troubleshooting processes without needing to be present. Taking that sentiment one step further, remote access gives your IT team the ability to directly control another user’s computer without having to be at their location. With this tool you essentially expand your IT teams reach without having to hire new employees or blow your travel budget.

With these tips, you’re ready to futureproof your telecommunications platform and support any number of employees at your growing company. Now, no matter how many more team members your company takes on, you’ll be ready!

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