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3 Things Stopping You from Getting a Job

Getting a job isn’t easy, but there are a few things you can avoid doing to increase your chances of getting one.

If you want to get hired at the company you’ve applied to, you’ll need to make sure your job search isn’t too broad, make your resume stand out and leverage your connections to give yourself the best chances for recruitment.

Here are 3 things you’re doing preventing you from landing your dream job.

Your Job Search is Too Broad

Many applicants think that the more they apply, the greater their chances of securing an interview. This can be true for some, but this approach has a few weaknesses.

If you want to be hired, your job search should be like a fine-toothed comb–you should apply to the companies that fit your qualifications.

Applying for too many jobs may mean you’re not selecting them based on the job description. It doesn’t help your chances of landing a good-fitting job if you apply for positions that work well with your skillset. You don’t want to apply for positions you’re overqualified for or positions that don’t use your expertise. Similarly, applying for multiple jobs at the same company sends the wrong message about what you can offer and may downplay your strengths.

Take the time to look carefully through each job to make sure you match its responsibilities and qualifications. Also, research the company you apply for. This helps you figure out if the company culture and values align with yours.

Glassdoor is a valuable research tool for job seekers. The website publishes reviews on companies from verified employees that reveal information you can’t always get from a company’s website. Glassdoor also features salary comparisons for specific jobs you’re applying for.

Your Application Doesn’t Stand Out

Every job listing is a bit different. You need to customize your resume and cover letter to each job you apply to. This not only makes the recruiter’s job easier, it shows that you are diligently applying for the job you want.

You don’t need to customize your resume for every job.Rather, you’ll want to update your resume for the specific role you want to be hired for. This means placing your most relevant experience at the top of your work history. Also, you should make your list of skills is relevant to the job and highlight those aspects about yourself.

For example, if the job opening requires familiarity with technology and you have this experience, put this near the top of the list.

Your cover letter is often what sets you apart from other applicants. It’s an opportunity to talk about specific job experiences that tie into the opening. The best resource for your cover letter is the job listing itself.

Generally, the company lists the occupation’s requirements and what they’re looking for in terms of a candidate. These details are the perfect guide for crafting your cover letter. Use your experiences to show how you fulfill what the job is asking for.

You Haven’t Leveraged Your Connections

Do you have family members that work with the employer you want to work for? Do you know former classmates that work for a company you can see yourself working at? Reach out to them.

People that you know are often more than willing to help you. LinkedIn is one of the best business-related social networking platforms around. It helps you keep track of people you know and gives you a way to message them in a manner that’s friendly and professional.

When you message or email the person you know, ask if they can introduce you to the recruiter or help your application stand out.

Companies sometimes have referral programs that compensate employees for recommending an excellent hire. This is a good motivator for people to help you.

In any case, if you know someone at the company, don’t be afraid to ask them for help. The worst thing that can happen is that they say no.

With a tailored application and a reliable list of connections, you give yourself the best chances for getting hired at the position you’re applying towards. Be sure to take your time when filling out applications and give each company your best.

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