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Technology Trends for Businesses in 2022

Technology has seen an incredible growth in more recent years, bringing people everything from automated transportation to pocket-sized smart computers. In business, technology has streamlined many processes and made it easier for employees to automate tasks and communicate with one another effectively from long distances.

In this article, you’ll find a list of all the digital tools your company needs to find success in today’s modern market. Here are 7 trends you should be aware of if you want to stay on the cutting edge of burgeoning technology and keep your business ahead of the curve.

Mobile App and Payment Integration

As the computers in our pockets advance, consumers expect the places they shop to keep up with mobile integrated applications, websites and payment options.

Offering mobile payments in-store and online is essential. At the kiosk, many shoppers prefer to pay with their phones rather than cash or a card. Online shopping is streamlined with one-click purchase options like ApplePay, Samsung Pay and PayPal. Catering to a quick turn of sale encourages purchasing.

Mobile applications and mobile-friendly websites make it easier for consumers to learn more about your products or services. 

Advertise with a well-designed mobile website or app to maximize your marketing opportunities.

The Cloud

Cloud-based services make your business more flexible. It facilitates more mobilized daily operations, empowering your employees to work from home and enjoy a more personalized work-life balance.

Cloud Hosting decentralizes your network from a single server and uses multiple virtual servers. This means your employees can access the same secured network regardless of their location.

Cloud Storage lets employees in different branches or those working from home access the same data as they would in the office. Backing up your data to the cloud also prevents data loss in the case of a server crash.

Online Conferencing

As a business expands, it can become difficult to coordinate schedules across multiple calendars. Online conferencing lets employees collaborate without having  to meet at one location.

Online conferencing is extremely affordable and functional. Many platforms offer presentation functionality, allowing presenters to display materials like documents, slideshows and even a desktop screen.

Artificial Intelligence 

AI is more accessible than ever. 

More business websites use AI chatbots to interact with their clients. Customer service chatbots leverage AI functionality and natural language processing (NLP) to complete complex functions. Chatbots can answer queries, schedule appointments and even turn sales.

Investing in an AI component for your webpage can be as easy as installing a plug-in to your web editing tool. Many companies offer customizable interactions.

Virtual Private Networks 

VPNs work twofold by making your business’s online operations safer and more portable. 

VPNs create a private network with limited access both internally and externally. A VPN will protect sensitive internal data from outside extraction, making it an invaluable addition to your overall cybersecurity suite. Employees with access to the network also gain access to the same permissions as they would within the office. 


Many businesses are taking advantage of automated processes across synchronized softwares. These investments save business owners time and money in the long run.  

Connectivity between programs that automate accounting, point of sale, data management and even customer service streamlines business operations. In the past, businesses struggled to implement these tools without a dedicated IT team. Modern software is designed to be easily accessible to the average professional.

Social Media

A long-term social media marketing campaign has become an essential component.

Public B2C interaction builds an online community around your brand and develops trust between the business and its consumers. Leveraging social proof across various platforms increases your conversion rate and delivering customer service on these platforms increases brand loyalty.

Data-driven decisions prevail as the most successful tool for understanding the market. Take advantage of engagement analytics software to make more precise decisions about your marketing campaigns.

As a business owner, it’s imperative to stay abreast of new business technology in 2021. Integrating new technology as you grow keeps your business on the competitive edge. Bookmark this page as a reference for your upgrading options in the upcoming months.

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