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Simple is Stupendous: The Human Resource and For Business Keep HR Accessible

picture of Laura Sankovich, Founder of The Human Resource Laura Sankovich, Founder of The Human Resource

The Human Resource (THR), a national consulting firm, believes that HR should be a little humdrum.  Founded by Laura Sankovich in 2004 and operated in partnership with her husband, Todd, this power team asserts that the waters will remain (mostly) calm with the benefit of excellent HR strategy and clear procedures in place. THR offers a comprehensive list of individual services and affordable monthly contracts that provide peace of mind. They promise that together with THR, human resources will become refreshingly routine. So what’s the story with HR podcasts?

The Challenge: Keeping a Focus on What’s Important

THR has a nationwide client base, so the team needs effective communication tools to ensure clients are up to date on the latest HR trends and developments. Customer contact is critical, whether it’s regarding day-to-day management or staying abreast of employment law.

The Solution: 90 Seconds that Changed the Game

In 2016, legislative changes on overtime rules will impact every business across America. As founder and long-time For Business™ customer Laura Sankovich explains, the team could email its client base regarding these legislative updates; but THR’s analysis has revealed that with today’s saturated inboxes, click-to-open rates tend to be low.

Instead, using the Broadcast feature available with For Business, Sankovich records 90-second podcasts. These spots highlight what clients need to worry about and what they don’t, as well as proactive steps to take and things to consider going forward. Paired with an email, THR sends out recordings, links via text or call-in instructions for playback. “Essentially, with, we’re able to deliver information in a format that the client prefers. It gives them peace of mind and keeps them well informed,” states Sankovich.

Another major benefit to THR’s proactive approach to pushing out relevant content is that it prevents the team’s own inboxes from being deluged with panicked client emails. From a customer service standpoint, she explains, “We assuage our clients’ fears and let them know we’re there for them. As the consultant they hired to manage their human resources, we have their backs.”

The team receives a call detail report (CDR) from For Business whenever a client is accessing the recorded information. Sankovich uses the feature and says, “It’s valuable to get the feedback. We know the utilization is there.”

The Result: Moving Beyond the Firefight

Part of THR’s approach to its clientele is to internally track issues that are bubbling up — like unemployment — so the team can respond proactively. Sending emails with the podcast version, Sankovich says is money for them. “Prior to using For Business, we were handling issues on a one-off basis. Now, we’re offering a more complete solution to make sure our customers have the tools and knowledge they need.”

Stacking up Against the Competition

According to Sankovich, HR can be a very reactive business. One way THR stays competitive is with an extremely high rate of customer retention. Sankovich states, “Frankly, we’ve never met a lot of our clients…Yet even those we’ve never met, we’ve retained. We’ve been working with some for nine years and never met face to face. That is a testament to the quality we deliver but also the way in which we deliver it — and For Business has been part of that solution.”

That raises another way THR stands up to the competition: ensuring key information is accessible. “We meet people where they are, using the technology that’s the most comfortable and convenient for them. We push content in a variety of ways that maybe our competitors don’t.” Those HR podcasts really go a long way.

To learn more about The Human Resource, please go to If you’re interested in learning more about For Business, please visit our site.

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