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Down Payment on Freedom: Open a Tax-Advantaged ABLE Account

At, our mission is to help as many people around the world as possible.

As part of that commitment, we highlight organizations making a difference around the globe. We’re working with the National Disability Institute (NDI) to bring greater awareness and understanding within the disability and financial communities to improve the financial health and economic security of people with disabilities and their families. and NDI share a common goal to build inclusive communities that value the economic participation and contributions of people with disabilities.

Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act

The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act was signed into law in 2014 and allows people with disabilities to open, manage and grow tax-advantaged savings accounts called ABLE accounts.

Money in ABLE accounts can be used to pay for qualified disability expenses, such as education, housing, transportation, purchase of technology, and healthcare. Importantly, ABLE accounts allow people with disabilities to save money without losing their eligibility for federal means-tested public benefits such as Medicaid, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), food, and housing assistance.

Why Sign Up for an ABLE Account?

Half of the people with disabilities have an annual household income of $35,000 or less. Many government programs that are critical lifelines for people with disabilities prohibit individuals with disabilities and families from saving to remain eligible. For the first time, ABLE accounts allow them to maintain eligibility while saving to cover the extra costs of living with a disability. An ABLE account is a down payment on freedom, providing more choices and opportunities to achieve a better life experience.

To learn more

Founded and managed by National Disability Institute, the ABLE National Resource Center (ABLE NRC) is the largest, independent, objective resource of reliable information about eligibility for and benefits of ABLE accounts, now offered by over 40 states and the District of Columbia. You can find ABLE Decision Guides, information on best practices and answers to frequently asked questions, state ABLE program comparison tools, along with podcasts, blogs, and spotlights featuring ABLE account owners and their families’ experiences with ABLE accounts. To learn more about ABLE accounts, and to find a state ABLE program, please visit the ABLE National Resource Center website.

In addition to the ABLE National Resource Center, National Disability Institute offers other free resources including online courses, webinars, podcasts, newsletters, research, publications, and financial education.

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