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How to Record Meeting Sessions for Online Video and Audio

An online meeting service can be a great way to save time and money, unite employees who work remotely and connect with colleagues near and far. But what if you want to share a meeting with folks who couldn’t attend?

Here are the six simple steps you can take to record your meeting sessions online using a meeting recorder:

  1. Download a great online video and/or audio recorder.
  2. Ensure that each participant’s microphone, speakers and webcam are working properly.
  3. Enable recording before the call begins.
  4. Remember to stop recording after the call ends.
  5. Save the recording to your computer.
  6. Upload the recording to the location of your choice.

Let’s learn more about online meetings and how you can record your meeting audio and video.

Why Online Meetings? Just as with all types of meetings, online meetings have both advantages and drawbacks. As far as the pros, web conferencing has the benefit of being:

  • Convenient.
  • Budget-friendly.
  • Efficient.
  • Geographically flexible.
  • Effective.
  • Able to show both verbal and non-verbal cues.

On the other hand, online meetings also:

  • Depend on a good internet connection.
  • Depend on the quality of peripheral equipment such as speakers, microphones and webcams.
  • Requires participants to have a basic level of tech literacy.

Can You Record Your Online Meetings? With the right online audio recorder and online video recorder, you can easily record your meeting sessions for later use. Here’s are the six steps you’ll need to follow:

  1. Download a great online video and/or audio recorder.
  2. Ensure that each participant’s microphone, speakers and webcam are working properly.
  3. Enable recording before the call begins.
  4. Remember to stop recording after the call ends.
  5. Save the recording to your computer.
  6. Upload the recording to the location of your choice.

Why Record Online Meetings? There is a multitude of reasons why you might want to record your online meetings, whether they’re video conferences or audio-only calls. One of the biggest benefits is that both participants and non-participants can view and listen to the meeting after it’s concluded. Video Recording Meetings Video meetings and online video calling are unique in that they allow participants to communicate using visuals, such as:

  • Webcam streams of each participant.
  • Slideshows.
  • Videos.
  • Photos.

With the help of an online meeting video recorder, participants (and those who weren’t able to attend the meeting) can view those visuals after the fact. Audio Recording Meetings High-definition audio recordings of online meetings can allow folks to revisit the meeting at a later time, whether they were one of the meeting’s original participants or not. Audio recordings can be more helpful than a general summary because they allow everyone to understand exactly what was discussed at the meeting, who said what and in what order. What Online Meetings Should You Record? In general, it’s better to record an online meeting than it is to wish you had later on. Whether they’re held between colleagues, clients or both, it can be useful to record a variety of meeting types:

  • Status update meetings.
  • Decision making meetings.
  • Problem-solving meetings
  • Team building meetings.
  • Financial and budget-related meetings.
  • Client meetings.

The Best Online Meeting Services for Recording Audio and Video

There’s no shortage of online video and audio meeting recorders to choose from, but some are more popular and reliable than the rest. Here’s a comparison of some of the top online meeting services for recording audio and video:

FreeConferenceCall GoToWebinar Zoom
Free video recording software ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖
Free audio recording software ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖
Keypad recording commands ✔ ✖ ✔ ✖
Online recording commands ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Complete suite of free online meeting services ✔ ✖ ✖ ✖

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