FreeConferenceCall Blog Thanks Its Community

First off thank you to everyone for your patience and support. We truly do have the best community of users in the world.

Importantly, we are working around the clock to add capacity and bandwidth. These are unprecedented times. Never before in history have so many people looked to phone networks and the internet to stay connected. This has placed a strain on all methods of communication. Undoubtedly some of you have experienced this on our network. I personally have experienced it even just trying to call friends and family from my cell phone. All of our fellow conferencing providers around the world are doing everything they can to minimize outages. We fully understand the frustration this has undoubtedly caused. Please know everyone is working to get this remedied. We understand the gravity and importance of coming through for you now. This is true of us and our fellow conferencing providers. And because of that we want you to know that we understand the responsibility we now carry and that we will come through for you.

To that end, here are some tips to help make sure you’re able to stay connected:

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  1. Download the latest version of our mobile app. We’ve built in call routing technology to help avoid phone carriers that are experiencing high congestion. In the app you can also choose to call in using wifi. We suggest trying this if you previously called in and received a busy signal.
  2. Schedule meetings 5, 15, 45, or 50 minutes past the hour. As an example try scheduling your meeting to start at 9:50 instead of 10:00. This is because demand surges on the hour and the half hour and your phone carriers network will be most strained at those times.
  3. If you call in and receive a busy signal send a text that says “Help” to your conferences dial-in number. We will then send you backup numbers that you can use.
  4. If you have AT&T tweet them @ATT and tell them they need to stop blocking calls to It is almost unbelievable to us, but even during this crisis they are blocking calls to competitors. For many of you who have received busy signals when dialing in, this is likely the reason why. Please tweet them and tell them that during this time it is more important than ever that we all band together.

Finally, to our incredible, incredible community. Many of you have chosen to make contributions to help us keep providing free communications to people all over the world. We want to take this moment to thank you. Especially at this time to see our community be there for us and for each other, supporting us and their fellow Free Conference Callers, means more than we can say. If you’d like to learn more here’s a quick video.

From everyone here, thank you.


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