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Everything You Need to Know About SNAP Benefits (Food Stamps)

The Food Stamp Program, now known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), offers individuals and families a monthly stipend to spend on necessary things like food. This program is broadly accessible to United States citizens who fit the federal requirements.

This program works in conjunction with states to administer the benefits. Applicants must apply via mail, fax, or online to receive their SNAP payments. Once approved, SNAP beneficiaries receive an EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) Card, which they can use to purchase food and other everyday supplies at authorized dealers.

Am I Eligible for SNAP?

SNAP or Food Stamp Benefits are generally available to U.S. citizens at or below the poverty line. The maximum income allowed for program applicants is 130 percent above the poverty line. Having more children in the household increases the maximum income allowed.

Households with persons who are disabled or elderly do not have to meet the 130 percent limitation.

The following individuals are qualified applicants for this program:

  • Working for low wages or working part-time
  • Unemployed
  • Receiving welfare or other public assistance payments
  • Elderly or disabled and are low-income
  • Homeless

All applicants must be citizens of the U.S. and provide their social security numbers, or show that they are in the process of obtaining their social security number.

For additional information on eligibility, see the official USDA site.

How to Apply for SNAP Benefits

Begin by finding your state’s SNAP program here:

The application process has a few steps. Your state will work with you to determine the maximum amount of money you can receive. The amount is determined by a few factors including:

  • Number of people in your household
  • Net household income
  • The value of your house and car
  • Assets
  • Applicable deductions
  • Employment status

To explain, the maximum asset limits are $2,250 without a person who is elderly or disabled. Households caring for a person with disabilities or is elderly have an asset cap of $3,500. These assets can be cash or other items.

Have this information ready when applying for SNAP benefits. Your state may allow application via phone, mail, fax, or online. Not all states offer the same application methods.

What can you buy with the SNAP EBT Card?

Once you receive your Food Stamp card (like a debit card), the program will deposit funds there. This card can only be used at authorized retailers for certain types of foodstuffs.

The USDA lays out a recommended nutrition plan for SNAP applicants. Their plan promotes grocery store purchases with an emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables, canned goods, and generally healthy items.

The USDA offers SNAP-ED, to help Food Stamp beneficiaries plan their meal purchases and prepare healthy recipes, with the goal of making the most of their SNAP stipend. Additionally, SNAP-ED provides a breadth of information on exercise and more.

Naturally, here are a few items you cannot buy with a SNAP EBT:

  • Cigarettes
  • Alcohol
  • Vitamins and supplements
  • Hot Food
  • Household goods (paper towels, cleaners, etc.)

Do I have to reapply for SNAP?

Typically, Food Stamp applicants receive their benefits for a year before they need to reapply. There is a three month time-limit for unemployed adults who have no children. These three months can be extended if the applicant is receiving 20 hours of work training a week, or works a part-time job.

Unemployed, single parents do not have a time or employment requirement applied to their Food Stamps.

Additional SNAP FAQs and Resources:
  1. How do I get my money?
    1. If you are approved for SNAP benefits, you will receive an EBT (debit) card from the program. Funds will go on that card.
  2. What if my income/job status changes?
    1. Contact your SNAP administrator to update your information. This may affect your benefits.
  3. How much SNAP money can I receive?
    1. One individual can earn $234 per month. This increases per person in your household. See here:
  4. Do I have to have kids to receive SNAP benefits?
    1. No. But you will need to have a part-time job, enroll in a federal or state work program, unless the administrator determines otherwise.
  5. Can I get SNAP without citizenship?
    1. No. Immigrants without documentation are not eligible. Additionally, some immigrants with legal status may not be eligible.
  6. Do I have to apply for SNAP in-person?
    1. You can apply via fax, phone, and online. Find your state’s Food Stamp program to see their application methods:
  7. Can I buy food from restaurants?
    1. Generally, no. Hot foods do not fit the SNAP program requirements.

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