FreeConferenceCall Blog

5 Best Security Practices for Video Conferencing and Protecting User Data

We have seen millions of new people enter the audio and video conferencing space in 2020. To aide this group, we’d like to share some best practices and tips that will help ensure you have a great, secure experience.

Our team at Free Conference Call takes security and the protection of our community’s privacy very seriously. That is likely why Federal and State Governments have deemed us to be an approved vendor.

Security of the platform is just one side of the security coin. The other side is what you, the conference host, do to ensure the security of your meetings.

If you are looking to host secure, uninterrupted meetings, here are the top 5 tips we recommend:

1. Create an RSVP and check the attendees list

Knowing the total number of users and the names of those joining your conference can protect your call from unwanted visitors.

While you’re on a conference, keep an eye on your attendee list. Schools and businesses that host anywhere from 1-100 participants can easily keep track of the number of callers and the names of those who joined by looking at an attendees list and matching it with those who responded to the RSVP request.

If the number of users on a call changes, double check your attendee lists to make sure no uninvited visitors joined your conference call.

2. Lock conferences

Some of the best conference platforms offer the option to lock a conference after all attendees have joined the call.

When you lock a conference, you prevent any more users from dialing in or accessing the conference through the app. Once all attendees are present, lock the conference to stop hackers from gaining access to your call and disrupting the conversation.

3. Make sure your service provider values consumer privacy and security

Many businesses often do everything they can to keep their community safe, especially our team here at Free Conference Call.

When consumer morals align with a business’s set of values, users can expect their service providers will do their best to defend the rights of users and make sure helping communities comes first.

Check the privacy policy of the company you’re planning on using to ensure both you and your service provider’s values line up. Taking a quick minute to review this data will guarantee the business you work with, whether that’s Free Conference Call or another service, cares for their community. Additionally, you’ll want to confirm that their site is SSL certified to maximize security.

4. Learn to control your conference

One of the keys to becoming an expert conference caller is learning how to use the conferencing controls efficiently.

You can easily boost your online security by becoming familiar with the tools you use for online collaboration and learning the ins and outs of using the service.

Exercise your ability to lock conferences, mute attendees and boot users so you’re always in control of your conference call. Even understanding how to successfully end a conference can be very helpful in protecting users from experiencing an unwanted security breach.

5. Limit screen sharing to only specific content

When using screen sharing, only share the content that needs to be shared. Make sure you’re not revealing any sensitive information that would give away any privacy data of you, your family or any of your attendees during the online meeting or put you in a position to jeopardize your call.’s screen sharing tools allow users to select specific content to share with participants and prevent other content from being shared.

With more users relying on audio and video conferences, it’s more important than ever to understand how to stay protected against hackers and keep your privacy safe.


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