FreeConferenceCall Blog

Defining ‘Disruption’, Style

By Brandon Klein

Black rotary phoneI’m officially an old-timer. I’ve witnessed dramatic changes in the telecom industry over the last few decades — from hardware to business models, the industry is almost unrecognizable. Millennials, for example, are largely unfamiliar with tangled, stretched-out telephone cords and waiting to call long distance until after 7 p.m. As for the rest of us, we remember feeling cutting-edge with our flip phones, and the per-minute pricing roulette of calling out of network. And how about when we had to place a reservation to make an audio conference call and then pay through the teeth?

Hand putting a cog was there, with a front row seat to that (r)evolution. The company entered the telecom scene as a small start-up in 2001, when Founder and CEO David Erickson purchased a $10 URL. Upending the existing costly conferencing model, the company grew in part because the recipe was right for success, and in part because the idea of became a movement — one of massive organic growth by word-of-mouth advertising. Today, it’s the most recognized conferencing brand and the fifth largest globally by minute volume.

Times have definitely changed, and more than ever, business is an innovator’s game. Just like offered a free solution to expensive audio conferencing back in 2001, companies like Uber and Airbnb have shaken up the transportation and hotel industries. Millennials will definitely remember that.

Another Free-For-All

And now, has done it again. Every account has the capacity for 1,000-seat virtual meetings, with free screen sharing, free video and free audio conferencing. That’s a lot of free. All you need is an email and password to sign up for an account.

More Bang for Your Enterprise Buck

Of course, that same disruptive pricing is available for our business customers as well. If you need managed service options and low-cost on enterprise accounts, For BusinessTM  is offering the same services other providers have at a significantly reduced price.

More specifically, that means we use a flat-rate fee tailored to meet your business requirements. And we don’t make up that low fee through hidden line-item charges tacked on  to your monthly conferencing statement. Our innovative business model allows us to deliver major savings to the customer without skimping on quality or features. In fact, many features that other providers charge for — such as Call Detail Reports, branding and custom greetings — we include for free, just because we value our customers.

If you have any questions, reach out 24/7 to Customer Care at (844) 844-1322. To find out more about reducing your conferencing spend, contact our Enterprise Sales Team at (844) 800-4000.

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